Frequently-Asked Questions
Our distributors (or clients) translate for us.
Why should we use QARTO?
Better Quality
Your distributor is not a professional translator, so the resulting text will most likely “feel” like it has been translated from another language. The localization task will be handed to in-house personnel who have no real translation experience. In addition, the process will usually not feature any third-party proofreading, correction or linguistic editing.
However, the worst part of using non-professional translators is that of consistency. Professional translators “transcreate” source content to ensure that the resulting text best resonates with its market. QARTO tools such as the Automated Translation Memory and Glossary / Phraseology / Terminology thesaurus ensure that all content uses approved words and phrases helping reinforce brand messaging and language.
Project Management
QARTO centralizes project management and all technical processes, allowing you free-up personnel to do what they do best – saving time and money. QARTO's comprehensive reporting and audit trail gives complete project transparency and a detailed history of every element of the project’s development – something simply not possible using manual methods. Naturally, reports can be exported for integration into third-party systems (e.g. DAM, ERP, MIS).
Faster Production
Better QC
Better Quality Control means a better end-result. Separate proofreading and/or correction workflow stages ensure errors are caught early and that the best, most appropriate content is used for your target market.
After receiving a complete and polished translation from QARTO, you can always forward it to your distributor for comment and fine-tuning, if necessary.
Two different translators will often translate the same content in two different ways.
Using QARTO ensures that all of your documentation, printed materials, online information and new-media content looks the same and gives out the same message – regardless of translation resource, language, format, or delivery method.
Translation’s Only Half The Story
OK, so you’ve got your content translated into however many languages. How do you get the new language into the original artwork, document, database or app?
If you copy/paste the content into the original document the design and layout will probably break. If you’re going into a right-reading language (e.g. Arabic) the whole document needs to be recreated.
QARTO’s automated content-creation engine ingests the translated data into the original file from the outset. Your translators (or our artworkers) optimize the content in realtime.
Corrections and edits happen on-the-fly, in a browser, on the actual data. Once the project’s been approved and downloaded there’s nothing else to do.
I don’t use Adobe InDesign / QuarkXPress / Whatever
It no longer matters! QARTO allows translators, proofreaders or project stakeholders the ability to view and (if allowed) edit the document right there and then – in their web browser.
They don’t need to buy, learn, or maintain any software.
Regardless of what software was used to create the source document, editing is a simple as clicking on the word(s) to be changed.
Two minutes training is all most people need.
Are you a translation agency?
We can be, but then we’re so much more than that,
Translating content is just one part of how we can help you better manage your company’s translation requirements.
QARTO is a solution that allows you to manage, translate, collaborate, and approve the entire process of localizing content, faster and cheaper than ever before.
Yes, we can help in localizing documents, media and artwork files, but QARTO offers far more.
The power of the system lies in its ability to give you control in how you describe your content in other languages, across a wide range of document and artwork file formats, before building and optimizing the content for the particular media output (print, web, app, etc.)
I’m happy with my existing translators / translation agency.
Why do I need QARTO?
Using QARTO you can continue to use your existing translation suppliers, but reduce your costs when using them!
QARTO’s next-generation Translation Memory Automation, automated content-building engine, third-party systems integration and automated project management tools reduce production time and translation costs, requiring less resources.
QARTO is a modular and extensible system, allowing you to take advantage of as many – or as few – features as you require. Adding your own list of translators to the system as supplier resources allows you to track and automate many laborious tasks, saving time and reducing the risk of error.
Should your translation requirements change or grow over time, our database of more than 3,500 accredited translators can save you time searching for a particular language competency.
The system keeps track of every project, document and page production status in real-time allowing anyone given access to know exactly what’s been completed, what’s still to be approved, and what’s currently in correction.
Plus, QARTO can be accessed from anywhere where there’s an internet connection – even from mobile devices such as Chromebook, iPhone, iPad, or Android phones and tablets.
Is QARTO just for the production of printed materials?
Far from it! And that’s one of the many differences that separate QARTO from similar systems.
Today, content exists in an increasingly varied number of forms. Perhaps it’s printed materials (brochures, catalogs, magazines, comics). Perhaps it's online (website, web app, HTML5 application).
Perhaps it’s a closed-caption video. Maybe content destined for publishing on a smartphone, tablet or other mobile device.
QARTO ingests content in a wide variety of formats and seamlessly optimizes the data for almost any media or device.
It can even connect directly to 3rd-party databases.
How does QARTO save my company money?
Production Centralization
By centralizing all of your content localization needs with QARTO, everyone in your organization knows where to find out what the production status of any document that needs to be translated.
No more wasted time with telephone calls or emails. QARTO reduces the time it takes to produce localized text, allows an online, collaborative way of working, and reduces the chance of human errors.
Using QARTO you are never unsure as to whether the translated document that you are sending is the most recent, approved version.
Native File Handling
Today, translating brochures, catalogs, advertising, etc. requires two separate processes. First the text (in the form of a .doc or .txt file) is translated. Then, once approved, a designer needs to create a new artwork file in a professional desktop publishing application.
QARTO merges these two processes into a single workflow.
As well as Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint) documents, QARTO also supports the direct ingestion of Adobe InDesign, Illustrator and QuarkXPress files. For file output, QARTO offers all the above formats as well as PDF, ePub, HTML5 and a raft of specialized formats for digital flip-books, iOS / Android / Kindle apps, and eBook applications.
Translation Memory
Using QARTO’s “Translation Memory Automation” any unique text (industry terminology, your organization’s brand language, jargon, etc.) only ever has to be translated once.
From then on, each time Qarto finds the same term in future documents it automatically applies the translation – with the option to modify it if necessary – meaning that the translator doesn’t have to translate that word or phrase.
Since translators charge per word, this saving can swiftly mount up to thousands over the course of a year. Unlike other Translation Memory tools, QARTO allows separate yet linked Translation Memory dictionaries.
This allows you to specify different translations for words / phrases for different product lines, for example.
3rd Party Integration
QARTO can be integrated with a number of third-party Brand Management, Customer Relationship Management or Digital Asset Management systems.
QARTO then becomes the ‘engine’ that manages your localized content, adding a level of production automation that leads to faster production turnarounds, reduced costs, increased production transparency and virtually limitless throughput.
QARTO is a modular and extensible system, allowing you to take advantage of as many – or as few – features as you need.
How secure is my data?
We take security and systems availability very seriously and have developed a number of security features within QARTO.
Some of the security highlights include:
Identity and Access Management
Ensures that only properly-authenticated users are permitted access.Encryption
Used internally within QARTO for protecting control channels, as well as for all client-server communications.Customer Access
Internal systems managing access to customer environments are isolated from the production data server, separating customer access infrastructure from customer applications and storage.https
https (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) provides a secure identification of the web server, as well as providing encrypted communication between server and client, and is commonly used by banking websites, Amazon, eBay, etc.
The encrypted link ensures that all data (files and project data) exchanged between the web server and the client remain private and integral. Standard QARTO server encryption is 128-bit, though we can offer higher bit encryption as an option.
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates are one of the most widely-used and universally-accepted cryptographic security protocols to be found on the internet.
All communications between QARTO internal components are protected with SSL, and we offer the more advanced TLS (Transport Security Layer) protocol as an option.
The QARTO SaaS model is based around co-located twin “hot-failover” server locations, one based in Europe and the other based in the North America. Macro job data on the server backed-up every five seconds. Data between the two locations is mirrored automatically and backed-up every 36 hours.
We can offer a more frequent back-up regime if required. In the unlikely event of both servers from one location going offline at the same time, the co-located server subsystem would automatically take over duties. This process is handled automatically and is transparent to the end-user.